Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sunrise at Pondichery

The morning sunrise accompanied by the lorry horns.
Indian crows add extra harmony to the background
Its a sweet memory of my 2009 vacation.

Kodaikanal climbing hairpinbends (sunrise)at 7h30 a.m

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

back to the indian adventure after 6 years

The journey started from Paris (CDG).
no hurry burry but even though i forgot to pick my iphone earphones.
Leslie accompanied me to the airport.
She bunked her classes just for me,thanks to her..
Later Joseph joined us at the airport to wish a bonvoyage.
Later Ramesh came too.
Smooth take off.

Well pictured by my Fuji Finepix (even a small video ).
I helped an old indian lady in the flight as she traveled all alone.
My place was well selected at the back of the plane.With a vacant place by my side,that added a small comfort for me.
I was fearing that the journey would be a boredom to be lonely.
i took out my camera and began to shoot out the subjects that passed before my lens, namely the air hostess & crew members.
My lens began to row the interior of the cabin.
With in a few time refreshments were served.
Later on people went to the phase 2 : a subtle sleepy mode with dimmed interior lights.
The flight was somewhere over Afghanistan when i discretely opened the window shutter at my right,not to disturb my co-passengers,when i found the sun set merging with the horizon.Once again thanks to my Fuji.Some pretty shots.
Heres the link to visit my online photostream.My photos online
Dont hesitate to download them at ur desired resolution.U r welcome.